Logic Programming in Assumption-Based Argumentation Revisited - Semantics and Graphical Representation


  • Claudia Schulz Imperial College London
  • Francesca Toni Imperial College London




Assumption-Based Argumentation, Logic Programming, Complete Semantics, Semi-Stable Semantics, 3-valued Stable Semantics, L-Stable Semantics, Labelling


Logic Programming and Argumentation Theory have been existing side by side as two separate, yet related, techniques in the field of Knowledge Representation and Reasoningfor many years.When Assumption-Based Argumentation (ABA) was first introduced in the nineties,the authors showed how a logic program can be encoded in an ABA framework andproved that the stable semantics of a logic program corresponds to the stable extension semantics of the ABA framework encoding this logic program.We revisit this initial work by provingthat the 3-valued stable semantics of a logic program coincides with the complete semantics of the encoding ABA framework,and that the L-stable semantics of this logic program coincides with the semi-stable semantics of the encoding ABA framework.Furthermore, we show how to graphically represent the structure of a logic program encoded in an ABA frameworkand that not only logic programming and ABA semanticsbut also Abstract Argumentation semantics can be easily applied to a logic program using these graphical representations.




How to Cite

Schulz, C., & Toni, F. (2015). Logic Programming in Assumption-Based Argumentation Revisited - Semantics and Graphical Representation. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29(1). https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v29i1.9417



AAAI Technical Track: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning