Quality-Based Learning for Web Data Classification


  • Ou Wu Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Ruiguang Hu Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Xue Mao Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Weiming Hu Chinese Academy of Sciences




Quality, Classification, Multi-task learning


The types of web data vary in terms of information quantity and quality. For example, some pages contain numerous texts, whereas some others contain few texts; some web videos are in high resolution, whereas some other web videos are in low resolution. As a consequence, the quality of extracted features from different web data may also vary greatly. Existing learning algorithms on web data classification usually ignore the variations of information quality or quantity. In this paper, the information quantity and quality of web data are described by quality-related factors such as text length and image quantity, and a new learning method is proposed to train classifiers based on quality-related factors. The method divides training data into subsets according to the clustering results of quality-related factors and then trains classifiers by using a multi-task learning strategy for each subset. Experimental results indicate that the quality-related factors are useful in web data classification, and the proposed method outperforms conventional algorithms that do not consider information quantity and quality.




How to Cite

Wu, O., Hu, R., Mao, X., & Hu, W. (2014). Quality-Based Learning for Web Data Classification. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v28i1.8705