Reciprocal Hash Tables for Nearest Neighbor Search


  • Xianglong Liu Beihang University
  • Junfeng He Columbia University and Facebook
  • Bo Lang Beihang University



Locality Sensitive Hashing, Multiple Hash Tables, Nearest Neighbor Search


Recent years have witnessed the success of hashingtechniques in approximate nearest neighbor search. Inpractice, multiple hash tables are usually employed toretrieve more desired results from all hit buckets ofeach table. However, there are rare works studying theunified approach to constructing multiple informativehash tables except the widely used random way. In thispaper, we regard the table construction as a selectionproblem over a set of candidate hash functions. Withthe graph representation of the function set, we proposean efficient solution that sequentially applies normal-ized dominant set to finding the most informative andindependent hash functions for each table. To furtherreduce the redundancy between tables, we explore thereciprocal hash tables in a boosting manner, where thehash function graph is updated with high weights em-phasized on the misclassified neighbor pairs of previoushash tables. The construction method is general andcompatible with different types of hashing algorithmsusing different feature spaces and/or parameter settings.Extensive experiments on two large-scale benchmarksdemonstrate that the proposed method outperforms bothnaive construction method and state-of-the-art hashingalgorithms, with up to 65.93% accuracy gains.




How to Cite

Liu, X., He, J., & Lang, B. (2013). Reciprocal Hash Tables for Nearest Neighbor Search. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 27(1), 626-632.