Multi-Target Detection and Recognition by UAVs Using Online POMDPs


  • Caroline Carvalho Chanel ISAE; ONERA
  • Florent Teichteil-Königsbuch ONERA
  • Charles Lesire ONERA



Perception and Mission Planning under Uncertainty, Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes, Parallel Anticipatory Planning and Execution, Offline Supervised Observation Model Learning


This paper tackles high-level decision-making techniques for robotic missions, which involve both active sensing and symbolic goal reaching, under uncertain probabilistic environments and strong time constraints. Our case study is a POMDP model of an online multi-target detection and recognition mission by an autonomous UAV. The POMDP model of the multi-target detection and recognition problem is generated online from a list of areas of interest, which are automatically extracted at the beginning of the flight from a coarse-grained high altitude observation of the scene. The POMDP observation model relies on a statistical abstraction of an image processing algorithm's output used to detect targets. As the POMDP problem cannot be known and thus optimized before the beginning of the flight, our main contribution is an "optimize-while-execute" algorithmic framework: it drives a POMDP sub-planner to optimize and execute the POMDP policy in parallel under action duration constraints. We present new results from real outdoor flights and SAIL simulations, which highlight both the benefits of using POMDPs in multi-target detection and recognition missions, and of our "optimize-while-execute" paradigm.




How to Cite

Carvalho Chanel, C., Teichteil-Königsbuch, F., & Lesire, C. (2013). Multi-Target Detection and Recognition by UAVs Using Online POMDPs. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 27(1), 1381-1387.