OASIS: Online Active Semi-Supervised Learning


  • Andrew Goldberg Arcode Corporation
  • Xiaojin Zhu University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Alex Furger University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Jun-Ming Xu University of Wisconsin-Madison




We consider a learning setting of importance to large scale machine learning: potentially unlimited data arrives sequentially, but only a small fraction of it is labeled. The learner cannot store the data; it should learn from both labeled and unlabeled data, and it may also request labels for some of the unlabeled items. This setting is frequently encountered in real-world applications and has the characteristics of online, semi-supervised, and active learning. Yet previous learning models fail to consider these characteristics jointly. We present OASIS, a Bayesian model for this learning setting. The main contributions of the model include the novel integration of a semi-supervised likelihood function, a sequential Monte Carlo scheme for efficient online Bayesian updating, and a posterior-reduction criterion for active learning. Encouraging results on both synthetic and real-world optical character recognition data demonstrate the synergy of these characteristics in OASIS.




How to Cite

Goldberg, A., Zhu, X., Furger, A., & Xu, J.-M. (2011). OASIS: Online Active Semi-Supervised Learning. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 25(1), 362-367. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v25i1.7910



AAAI Technical Track: Machine Learning