Planning in Dynamic Environments: Extending HTNs with Nonlinear Continuous Effects


  • Matthew Molineaux Knexus Research Corporation
  • Matthew Klenk Naval Research Laboratory
  • David Aha Naval Research Laboratory



HTN Planning, Continuous Planning, Mixed Discrete-Continuous Planning


Planning in dynamic continuous environments requires reasoning about nonlinear continuous effects, which previous Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planners do not support. In this paper, we extend an existing HTN planner with a new state projection algorithm. To our knowledge, this is the first HTN planner that can reason about nonlinear continuous effects. We use a wait action to instruct this planner to consider continuous effects in a given state. We also introduce a new planning domain to demonstrate the benefits of planning with nonlinear continuous effects. We compare our approach with a linear continuous effects planner and a discrete effects HTN planner on a benchmark domain, which reveals that its additional costs are largely mitigated by domain knowledge. Finally, we present an initial application of this algorithm in a practical domain, a Navy training simulation, illustrating the utility of this approach for planning in dynamic continuous environments.




How to Cite

Molineaux, M., Klenk, M., & Aha, D. (2010). Planning in Dynamic Environments: Extending HTNs with Nonlinear Continuous Effects. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 24(1), 1115-1120.



Reasoning about Plans, Processes and Actions