Unveiling Hidden Intentions


  • Gerardo Ocampo Diaz The University of Texas at Dallas
  • Vincent Ng The University of Texas at Dallas




Recent years have seen significant advances in machine perception, which have enabled AI systems to become grounded in the world. While AI systems can now "read" and "see", they still cannot read between the lines and see through the lens, unlike humans. We propose the novel task of hidden message and intention identification: given some perceptual input (i.e., a text, an image), the goal is to produce a short description of the message the input transmits and the hidden intention of its author, if any. Not only will a solution to this task enable machine perception technologies to reach the next level of complexity, but it will be an important step towards addressing a task that has recently received a lot of public attention, political manipulation in social media.




How to Cite

Ocampo Diaz, G., & Ng, V. (2020). Unveiling Hidden Intentions. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 34(09), 13550-13555. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v34i09.7080



Senior Member Presentation Track: Blue Sky Papers