Learning Part Generation and Assembly for Structure-Aware Shape Synthesis


  • Jun Li National University of Defense Technology
  • Chengjie Niu National University of Defense Technology
  • Kai Xu National University of Defense Technology




Learning powerful deep generative models for 3D shape synthesis is largely hindered by the difficulty in ensuring plausibility encompassing correct topology and reasonable geometry. Indeed, learning the distribution of plausible 3D shapes seems a daunting task for the holistic approaches, given the significant topological variations of 3D objects even within the same category. Enlightened by the fact that 3D shape structure is characterized as part composition and placement, we propose to model 3D shape variations with a part-aware deep generative network, coined as PAGENet. The network is composed of an array of per-part VAE-GANs, generating semantic parts composing a complete shape, followed by a part assembly module that estimates a transformation for each part to correlate and assemble them into a plausible structure. Through delegating the learning of part composition and part placement into separate networks, the difficulty of modeling structural variations of 3D shapes is greatly reduced. We demonstrate through both qualitative and quantitative evaluations that PAGENet generates 3D shapes with plausible, diverse and detailed structure, and show two applications, i.e., semantic shape segmentation and part-based shape editing.




How to Cite

Li, J., Niu, C., & Xu, K. (2020). Learning Part Generation and Assembly for Structure-Aware Shape Synthesis. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 34(07), 11362-11369. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v34i07.6798



AAAI Technical Track: Vision