Variational Metric Scaling for Metric-Based Meta-Learning


  • Jiaxin Chen The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Li-ming Zhan The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Xiao-Ming Wu The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Fu-lai Chung The Hong Kong Polytechnic University



Metric-based meta-learning has attracted a lot of attention due to its effectiveness and efficiency in few-shot learning. Recent studies show that metric scaling plays a crucial role in the performance of metric-based meta-learning algorithms. However, there still lacks a principled method for learning the metric scaling parameter automatically. In this paper, we recast metric-based meta-learning from a Bayesian perspective and develop a variational metric scaling framework for learning a proper metric scaling parameter. Firstly, we propose a stochastic variational method to learn a single global scaling parameter. To better fit the embedding space to a given data distribution, we extend our method to learn a dimensional scaling vector to transform the embedding space. Furthermore, to learn task-specific embeddings, we generate task-dependent dimensional scaling vectors with amortized variational inference. Our method is end-to-end without any pre-training and can be used as a simple plug-and-play module for existing metric-based meta-algorithms. Experiments on miniImageNet show that our methods can be used to consistently improve the performance of existing metric-based meta-algorithms including prototypical networks and TADAM.




How to Cite

Chen, J., Zhan, L.- ming, Wu, X.-M., & Chung, F.- lai. (2020). Variational Metric Scaling for Metric-Based Meta-Learning. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 34(04), 3478-3485.



AAAI Technical Track: Machine Learning