Global Remote Operation of Intelligent Space Robot Assistants


  • Daniel Leidner German Aerospace Center
  • Peter Schmaus German Aerospace Center
  • Florian Schmidt German Aerospace Center
  • Benedikt Pleintinger German Aerospace Center
  • Ralph Bayer German Aerospace Center
  • Adrian S. Bauer German Aerospace Center
  • Thomas Krueger European Space Agency
  • Neal Y. Lii European Space Agency



Intelligent robotic coworkers are considered a valuable addition in many application areas. This applies not only to terrestrial domains, but also to the exploration of our solar system. As humankind moves toward an ever increasing presence in space, infrastructure has to be constructed and maintained on distant planets such as Mars. AI-enabled robots will play a major role in this scenario. The space agencies envisage robotic co-workers to be deployed to set-up habitats, energy, and return vessels for future human scientists. By leveraging AI planning methods, this vision has already become one step closer to reality. In the METERON SUPVIS Justin experiment, the intelligent robotic coworker Rollin’ Justin was controlled from Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) in order to maintain a Martian mock-up solar panel farm located on Earth to demonstrate the technology readiness of the developed methods. For this work, the system is demonstrated at AAAI 2019, controlling Rollin’ Justin located in Munich, Germany from Honolulu, Hawaii.




How to Cite

Leidner, D., Schmaus, P., Schmidt, F., Pleintinger, B., Bayer, R., Bauer, A. S., Krueger, T., & Lii, N. Y. (2019). Global Remote Operation of Intelligent Space Robot Assistants. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 33(01), 9863-9864.



Demonstration Track