Transforming Healthcare: A Comprehensive Approach to Mitigating Bias and Fostering Empathy through AI-Driven Augmented Reality


  • Erica Okeh Howard University



Artificial Intelligence To Mitigate Bias In Diagnosis, Bias In Self-supervised Machine Learning, Applications of AI, AI systems for digital health


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Augmented Reality (AR) for medical applications is propelled by the aim to address evident healthcare disparities. Certain communities have encountered disparities in medical diagnoses, exemplified by Black individuals exhibiting a 2.4 times higher likelihood of schizophrenia diagnosis compared to their white counterparts (Faber et al., 2023). These disparities often arise from structured interview assessments overlooking cultural nuances, resulting in increased misdiagnosis rates. This study leverages AI and AR to develop unbiased diagnostic tools and enhance empathy in healthcare professionals' training. Uniquely prioritizing the reduction of biased language and the fostering of empathy through AI-driven Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI-driven virtual patients, the research aims to enhance diagnostic accuracy while promoting cultural sensitivity among healthcare professionals. Aligned with broader goals of achieving equitable healthcare and reducing disparities, the evaluation involves pre- and post-training assessments to measure language improvements and empathy enhancements. Successful implementation could lead to a more equitable healthcare landscape, fostering trust in AI-driven systems and ensuring fairer medical care for diverse communities.




How to Cite

Okeh, E. (2024). Transforming Healthcare: A Comprehensive Approach to Mitigating Bias and Fostering Empathy through AI-Driven Augmented Reality. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(21), 23753-23754.