DISCount: Counting in Large Image Collections with Detector-Based Importance Sampling


  • Gustavo Perez University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Subhransu Maji University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Daniel Sheldon University of Massachusetts, Amherst





Many applications use computer vision to detect and count objects in massive image collections. However, automated methods may fail to deliver accurate counts, especially when the task is very difficult or requires a fast response time. For example, during disaster response, aid organizations aim to quickly count damaged buildings in satellite images to plan relief missions, but pre-trained building and damage detectors often perform poorly due to domain shifts. In such cases, there is a need for human-in-the-loop approaches to accurately count with minimal human effort. We propose DISCount -- a detector-based importance sampling framework for counting in large image collections. DISCount uses an imperfect detector and human screening to estimate low-variance unbiased counts. We propose techniques for counting over multiple spatial or temporal regions using a small amount of screening and estimate confidence intervals. This enables end-users to stop screening when estimates are sufficiently accurate, which is often the goal in real-world applications. We demonstrate our method with two applications: counting birds in radar imagery to understand responses to climate change, and counting damaged buildings in satellite imagery for damage assessment in regions struck by a natural disaster. On the technical side we develop variance reduction techniques based on control variates and prove the (conditional) unbiasedness of the estimators. DISCount leads to a 9-12x reduction in the labeling costs to obtain the same error rates compared to naive screening for tasks we consider, and surpasses alternative covariate-based screening approaches.



How to Cite

Perez, G., Maji, S., & Sheldon, D. (2024). DISCount: Counting in Large Image Collections with Detector-Based Importance Sampling. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(20), 22294-22302.