Solving Satisfiability Modulo Counting for Symbolic and Statistical AI Integration with Provable Guarantees


  • Jinzhao Li Purdue University
  • Nan Jiang Purdue University
  • Yexiang Xue Purdue University



RU: Stochastic Optimization, CSO: Satisfiability Modulo Theories


Satisfiability Modulo Counting (SMC) encompasses problems that require both symbolic decision-making and statistical reasoning. Its general formulation captures many real-world problems at the intersection of symbolic and statistical AI. SMC searches for policy interventions to control probabilistic outcomes. Solving SMC is challenging because of its highly intractable nature (NP^PP-complete), incorporating statistical inference and symbolic reasoning. Previous research on SMC solving lacks provable guarantees and/or suffers from suboptimal empirical performance, especially when combinatorial constraints are present. We propose XOR-SMC, a polynomial algorithm with access to NP-oracles, to solve highly intractable SMC problems with constant approximation guarantees. XOR-SMC transforms the highly intractable SMC into satisfiability problems by replacing the model counting in SMC with SAT formulae subject to randomized XOR constraints. Experiments on solving important SMC problems in AI for social good demonstrate that XOR-SMC outperforms several baselines both in solution quality and running time.



How to Cite

Li, J., Jiang, N., & Xue, Y. (2024). Solving Satisfiability Modulo Counting for Symbolic and Statistical AI Integration with Provable Guarantees. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(18), 20481-20490.



AAAI Technical Track on Reasoning under Uncertainty