BOK-VQA: Bilingual outside Knowledge-Based Visual Question Answering via Graph Representation Pretraining


  • MinJun Kim Hanbat National University
  • SeungWoo Song Hanbat National University
  • YouHan Lee Kakao brain Corp
  • Haneol Jang Hanbat National University
  • KyungTae Lim Seoul National University of Science and Technology



NLP: Language Grounding & Multi-modal NLP, NLP: Machine Translation, Multilinguality, Cross-Lingual NLP


The current research direction in generative models, such as the recently developed GPT4, aims to find relevant knowledge information for multimodal and multilingual inputs to provide answers. Under these research circumstances, the demand for multilingual evaluation of visual question answering (VQA) tasks, a representative task of multimodal systems, has increased. Accordingly, we propose a bilingual outside-knowledge VQA (BOK-VQA) dataset in this study that can be extended to multilingualism. The proposed data include 17K images, 17K question-answer pairs for both Korean and English and 280K instances of knowledge information related to question-answer content. We also present a framework that can effectively inject knowledge information into a VQA system by pretraining the knowledge information of BOK-VQA data in the form of graph embeddings. Finally, through in-depth analysis, we demonstrated the actual effect of the knowledge information contained in the constructed training data on VQA.



How to Cite

Kim, M., Song, S., Lee, Y., Jang, H., & Lim, K. (2024). BOK-VQA: Bilingual outside Knowledge-Based Visual Question Answering via Graph Representation Pretraining. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(16), 18381-18389.



AAAI Technical Track on Natural Language Processing I