Detecting and Preventing Hallucinations in Large Vision Language Models


  • Anisha Gunjal Scale AI
  • Jihan Yin Scale AI
  • Erhan Bas Scale AI



NLP: Language Grounding & Multi-modal NLP, CV: Language and Vision, CV: Visual Reasoning & Symbolic Representations, NLP: Safety and Robustness


Instruction tuned Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) have significantly advanced in generalizing across a diverse set of multi-modal tasks, especially for Visual Question Answering (VQA). However, generating detailed responses that are visually grounded is still a challenging task for these models. We find that even the current state-of-the-art LVLMs (InstructBLIP) still contain a staggering 30 percent of the hallucinatory text in the form of non-existent objects, unfaithful descriptions, and inaccurate relationships. To address this, we introduce M-HalDetect, a Multimodal Hallucination Detection Dataset that can be used to train and benchmark models for hallucination detection and prevention. M-HalDetect consists of 16k fine-grained annotations on VQA examples, making it the first comprehensive multi-modal hallucination detection dataset for detailed image descriptions. Unlike previous work that only consider object hallucination, we additionally annotate both entity descriptions and relationships that are unfaithful. To demonstrate the potential of this dataset for hallucination prevention, we optimize InstructBLIP through our novel Fine-grained Direct Preference Optimization (FDPO). We also train fine-grained multi-modal reward models from InstructBLIP and evaluate their effectiveness with best-of-n rejection sampling (RS). We perform human evaluation on both FDPO and rejection sampling, and find that they reduce hallucination rates in InstructBLIP by 41% and 55% respectively. We also find that our reward model generalizes to other multi-modal models, reducing hallucinations in LLaVA and mPLUG-OWL by 15% and 57% respectively, and has strong correlation with human evaluated accuracy scores. The dataset is available at



How to Cite

Gunjal, A., Yin, J., & Bas, E. (2024). Detecting and Preventing Hallucinations in Large Vision Language Models. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(16), 18135-18143.



AAAI Technical Track on Natural Language Processing I