Watermarking Conditional Text Generation for AI Detection: Unveiling Challenges and a Semantic-Aware Watermark Remedy


  • Yu Fu University of California, Riverside
  • Deyi Xiong Tianjin University
  • Yue Dong University of California, Riverside




NLP: Generation, NLP: Safety and Robustness


To mitigate potential risks associated with language models (LMs), recent AI detection research proposes incorporating watermarks into machine-generated text through random vocabulary restrictions and utilizing this information for detection. In this paper, we show that watermarking algorithms designed for LMs cannot be seamlessly applied to conditional text generation (CTG) tasks without a notable decline in downstream task performance. To address this issue, we introduce a simple yet effective semantic-aware watermarking algorithm that considers the characteristics of conditional text generation with the input context. Compared to the baseline watermarks, our proposed watermark yields significant improvements in both automatic and human evaluations across various text generation models, including BART and Flan-T5, for CTG tasks such as summarization and data-to-text generation. Meanwhile, it maintains detection ability with higher z-scores but lower AUC scores, suggesting the presence of a detection paradox that poses additional challenges for watermarking CTG.



How to Cite

Fu, Y., Xiong, D., & Dong, Y. (2024). Watermarking Conditional Text Generation for AI Detection: Unveiling Challenges and a Semantic-Aware Watermark Remedy. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(16), 18003-18011. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v38i16.29756



AAAI Technical Track on Natural Language Processing I