No Prior Mask: Eliminate Redundant Action for Deep Reinforcement Learning


  • Dianyu Zhong Tsinghua University
  • Yiqin Yang Tsinghua University
  • Qianchuan Zhao Tsinghua University



ML: Reinforcement Learning


The large action space is one fundamental obstacle to deploying Reinforcement Learning methods in the real world. The numerous redundant actions will cause the agents to make repeated or invalid attempts, even leading to task failure. Although current algorithms conduct some initial explorations for this issue, they either suffer from rule-based systems or depend on expert demonstrations, which significantly limits their applicability in many real-world settings. In this work, we examine the theoretical analysis of what action can be eliminated in policy optimization and propose a novel redundant action filtering mechanism. Unlike other works, our method constructs the similarity factor by estimating the distance between the state distributions, which requires no prior knowledge. In addition, we combine the modified inverse model to avoid extensive computation in high-dimensional state space. We reveal the underlying structure of action spaces and propose a simple yet efficient redundant action filtering mechanism named No Prior Mask (NPM) based on the above techniques. We show the superior performance of our method by conducting extensive experiments on high-dimensional, pixel-input, and stochastic problems with various action redundancy tasks. Our code is public online at



How to Cite

Zhong, D., Yang, Y., & Zhao, Q. (2024). No Prior Mask: Eliminate Redundant Action for Deep Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(15), 17078-17086.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning VI