Class-Attribute Priors: Adapting Optimization to Heterogeneity and Fairness Objective


  • Xuechen Zhang University of California Riverside
  • Mingchen Li University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • Jiasi Chen University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • Christos Thrampoulidis University of British Columbia
  • Samet Oymak University of Michigan, Ann Arbor



ML: Ethics, Bias, and Fairness, ML: Auto ML and Hyperparameter Tuning


Modern classification problems exhibit heterogeneities across individual classes: Each class may have unique attributes, such as sample size, label quality, or predictability (easy vs difficult), and variable importance at test-time. Without care, these heterogeneities impede the learning process, most notably, when optimizing fairness objectives. Confirming this, under a gaussian mixture setting, we show that the optimal SVM classifier for balanced accuracy needs to be adaptive to the class attributes. This motivates us to propose CAP: An effective and general method that generates a class-specific learning strategy (e.g.~hyperparameter) based on the attributes of that class. This way, optimization process better adapts to heterogeneities. CAP leads to substantial improvements over the naive approach of assigning separate hyperparameters to each class. We instantiate CAP for loss function design and post-hoc logit adjustment, with emphasis on label-imbalanced problems. We show that CAP is competitive with prior art and its flexibility unlocks clear benefits for fairness objectives beyond balanced accuracy. Finally, we evaluate CAP on problems with label noise as well as weighted test objectives to showcase how CAP can jointly adapt to different heterogeneities.




How to Cite

Zhang, X., Li, M., Chen, J., Thrampoulidis, C., & Oymak, S. (2024). Class-Attribute Priors: Adapting Optimization to Heterogeneity and Fairness Objective. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(15), 16890-16898.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning VI