Harnessing the Power of SVD: An SVA Module for Enhanced Signal Classification


  • Lei Zhai Xidian University
  • Shuyuan Yang Xidian University
  • Yitong Li Xi’an Jiaotong University
  • Zhixi Feng Xidian university
  • Zhihao Chang Xidian University
  • Quanwei Gao Xidian University




ML: Classification and Regression, APP: Internet of Things, Sensor Networks & Smart Cities, ML: Deep Neural Architectures and Foundation Models, ML: Time-Series/Data Streams


Deep learning methods have achieved outstanding performance in various signal tasks. However, due to degraded signals in real electromagnetic environment, it is crucial to seek methods that can improve the representation of signal features. In this paper, a Singular Value decomposition-based Attention, SVA is proposed to explore structure of signal data for adaptively enhancing intrinsic feature. Using a deep neural network as a base model, SVA performs feature semantic subspace learning through a decomposition layer and combines it with an attention layer to achieve adaptive enhancement of signal features. Moreover, we consider the gradient explosion problem brought by SVA and optimize SVA to improve the stability of training. Extensive experimental results demon-strate that applying SVA to a generalized classification model can significantly improve its ability in representations, making its recognition performance competitive with, or even better than, the state-of-the-art task-specific models.



How to Cite

Zhai, L., Yang, S., Li, Y., Feng, Z., Chang, Z., & Gao, Q. (2024). Harnessing the Power of SVD: An SVA Module for Enhanced Signal Classification. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(15), 16669-16677. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v38i15.29606



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning VI