Semi-supervised Learning of Dynamical Systems with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations: A Teacher-Student Model Approach


  • Yu Wang University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Yuxuan Yin University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Karthik Somayaji NS University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Ján Drgoňa Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Malachi Schram Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
  • Mahantesh Halappanavar Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Frank Liu Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Peng Li University of California, Santa Barbara



ML: Semi-Supervised Learning, ML: Unsupervised & Self-Supervised Learning


Modeling dynamical systems is crucial for a wide range of tasks, but it remains challenging due to complex nonlinear dynamics, limited observations, or lack of prior knowledge. Recently, data-driven approaches such as Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (NODE) have shown promising results by leveraging the expressive power of neural networks to model unknown dynamics. However, these approaches often suffer from limited labeled training data, leading to poor generalization and suboptimal predictions. On the other hand, semi-supervised algorithms can utilize abundant unlabeled data and have demonstrated good performance in classification and regression tasks. We propose TS-NODE, the first semi-supervised approach to modeling dynamical systems with NODE. TS-NODE explores cheaply generated synthetic pseudo rollouts to broaden exploration in the state space and to tackle the challenges brought by lack of ground-truth system data under a teacher-student model. TS-NODE employs an unified optimization framework that corrects the teacher model based on the student's feedback while mitigating the potential false system dynamics present in pseudo rollouts. TS-NODE demonstrates significant performance improvements over a baseline Neural ODE model on multiple dynamical system modeling tasks.



How to Cite

Wang, Y., Yin, Y., NS, K. S., Drgoňa, J., Schram, M., Halappanavar, M., Liu, F., & Li, P. (2024). Semi-supervised Learning of Dynamical Systems with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations: A Teacher-Student Model Approach. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(14), 15698-15705.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning V