Continuous Treatment Effect Estimation Using Gradient Interpolation and Kernel Smoothing


  • Lokesh Nagalapatti IIT Bombay
  • Akshay Iyer IIT Bombay
  • Abir De IIT Bombay
  • Sunita Sarawagi IIT Bombay



ML: Causal Learning


We address the Individualized continuous treatment effect (ICTE) estimation problem where we predict the effect of any continuous valued treatment on an individual using ob- servational data. The main challenge in this estimation task is the potential confounding of treatment assignment with in- dividual’s covariates in the training data, whereas during in- ference ICTE requires prediction on independently sampled treatments. In contrast to prior work that relied on regularizers or unstable GAN training, we advocate the direct approach of augmenting training individuals with independently sam- pled treatments and inferred counterfactual outcomes. We in- fer counterfactual outcomes using a two-pronged strategy: a Gradient Interpolation for close-to-observed treatments, and a Gaussian Process based Kernel Smoothing which allows us to down weigh high variance inferences. We evaluate our method on five benchmarks and show that our method out- performs six state-of-the-art methods on the counterfactual estimation error. We analyze the superior performance of our method by showing that (1) our inferred counterfactual re- sponses are more accurate, and (2) adding them to the train- ing data reduces the distributional distance between the con- founded training distribution and test distribution where treat- ment is independent of covariates. Our proposed method is model-agnostic and we show that it improves ICTE accuracy of several existing models.



How to Cite

Nagalapatti, L., Iyer, A., De, A., & Sarawagi, S. (2024). Continuous Treatment Effect Estimation Using Gradient Interpolation and Kernel Smoothing. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(13), 14397-14404.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning IV