Robust Visual Imitation Learning with Inverse Dynamics Representations


  • Siyuan Li Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Xun Wang Intelligent Science & Technology Academy Limited of CASIC
  • Rongchang Zuo Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Kewu Sun Intelligent Science & Technology Academy Limited of CASIC
  • Lingfei Cui Institute of Computer Application Technology, Norinco Group
  • Jishiyu Ding Intelligent Science & Technology Academy Limited of CASIC
  • Peng Liu Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Zhe Ma Intelligent Science & Technology Academy Limited of CASIC



ML: Imitation Learning & Inverse Reinforcement Learning


Imitation learning (IL) has achieved considerable success in solving complex sequential decision-making problems. However, current IL methods mainly assume that the environment for learning policies is the same as the environment for collecting expert datasets. Therefore, these methods may fail to work when there are slight differences between the learning and expert environments, especially for challenging problems with high-dimensional image observations. However, in real-world scenarios, it is rare to have the chance to collect expert trajectories precisely in the target learning environment. To address this challenge, we propose a novel robust imitation learning approach, where we develop an inverse dynamics state representation learning objective to align the expert environment and the learning environment. With the abstract state representation, we design an effective reward function, which thoroughly measures the similarity between behavior data and expert data not only element-wise, but also from the trajectory level. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed approach under various visual perturbations and in diverse visual control tasks. Our approach can achieve a near-expert performance in most environments, and significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art visual IL methods and robust IL methods.



How to Cite

Li, S., Wang, X., Zuo, R., Sun, K., Cui, L., Ding, J., Liu, P., & Ma, Z. (2024). Robust Visual Imitation Learning with Inverse Dynamics Representations. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(12), 13609-13618.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning III