Colored Noise in PPO: Improved Exploration and Performance through Correlated Action Sampling


  • Jakob Hollenstein University of Innsbruck
  • Georg Martius University of Tübingen Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
  • Justus Piater University of Innsbruck



ML: Reinforcement Learning, ROB: Learning & Optimization for ROB, ROB: Behavior Learning & Control


Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), a popular on-policy deep reinforcement learning method, employs a stochastic policy for exploration. In this paper, we propose a colored noise-based stochastic policy variant of PPO. Previous research highlighted the importance of temporal correlation in action noise for effective exploration in off-policy reinforcement learning. Building on this, we investigate whether correlated noise can also enhance exploration in on-policy methods like PPO. We discovered that correlated noise for action selection improves learning performance and outperforms the currently popular uncorrelated white noise approach in on-policy methods. Unlike off-policy learning, where pink noise was found to be highly effective, we found that a colored noise, intermediate between white and pink, performed best for on-policy learning in PPO. We examined the impact of varying the amount of data collected for each update by modifying the number of parallel simulation environments for data collection and observed that with a larger number of parallel environments, more strongly correlated noise is beneficial. Due to the significant impact and ease of implementation, we recommend switching to correlated noise as the default noise source in PPO.



How to Cite

Hollenstein, J., Martius, G., & Piater, J. (2024). Colored Noise in PPO: Improved Exploration and Performance through Correlated Action Sampling. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(11), 12466-12472.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning II