Incomplete Contrastive Multi-View Clustering with High-Confidence Guiding


  • Guoqing Chao Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Yi Jiang Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Dianhui Chu Harbin Institute of Technology



ML: Clustering, ML: Multi-instance/Multi-view Learning, ML: Graph-based Machine Learning, ML: Multimodal Learning


Incomplete multi-view clustering becomes an important research problem, since multi-view data with missing values are ubiquitous in real-world applications. Although great efforts have been made for incomplete multi-view clustering, there are still some challenges: 1) most existing methods didn't make full use of multi-view information to deal with missing values; 2) most methods just employ the consistent information within multi-view data but ignore the complementary information; 3) For the existing incomplete multi-view clustering methods, incomplete multi-view representation learning and clustering are treated as independent processes, which leads to performance gap. In this work, we proposed a novel Incomplete Contrastive Multi-View Clustering method with high-confidence guiding (ICMVC). Firstly, we proposed a multi-view consistency relation transfer plus graph convolutional network to tackle missing values problem. Secondly, instance-level attention fusion and high-confidence guiding are proposed to exploit the complementary information while instance-level contrastive learning for latent representation is designed to employ the consistent information. Thirdly, an end-to-end framework is proposed to integrate multi-view missing values handling, multi-view representation learning and clustering assignment for joint optimization. Experiments compared with state-of-the-art approaches demonstrated the effectiveness and superiority of our method. Our code is publicly available at The version with supplementary material can be found at




How to Cite

Chao, G., Jiang, Y., & Chu, D. (2024). Incomplete Contrastive Multi-View Clustering with High-Confidence Guiding. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(10), 11221-11229.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning I