Abstraction of Situation Calculus Concurrent Game Structures


  • Yves Lesperance York University, Toronto, ON, Canada
  • Giuseppe De Giacomo University Oxford, Oxford, UK
  • Maryam Rostamigiv University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada
  • Shakil M. Khan University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada




KRR: Action, Change, and Causality, MAS: Agent/AI Theories and Architectures


We present a general framework for abstracting agent behavior in multi-agent synchronous games in the situation calculus, which provides a first-order representation of the state and allows us to model how plays depend on the data and objects involved. We represent such games as action theories of a special form called situation calculus synchronous game structures (SCSGSs), in which we have a single action "tick" whose effects depend on the combination of moves selected by the players. In our framework, one specifies both an abstract SCSGS and a concrete SCSGS, as well as a refinement mapping that specifies how each abstract move is implemented by a Golog program defined over the concrete SCSGS. We define notions of sound and complete abstraction with respect to a mapping over such SCSGS. To express strategic properties on the abstract and concrete games we adopt a first-order variant of alternating-time mu-calculus mu-ATL-FO. We show that we can exploit abstraction in verifying mu-ATL-FO properties of SCSGSs under the assumption that agents can always execute abstract moves to completion even if not fully controlling their outcomes.



How to Cite

Lesperance, Y., De Giacomo, G., Rostamigiv, M., & Khan, S. M. (2024). Abstraction of Situation Calculus Concurrent Game Structures. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(9), 10624-10634. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v38i9.28933



AAAI Technical Track on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning