Graph Neural Networks with Soft Association between Topology and Attribute


  • Yachao Yang Beijing University of Technology
  • Yanfeng Sun Beijing University of Technology
  • Shaofan Wang Beijing University of Technology
  • Jipeng Guo Beijing University of Chemical Technology
  • Junbin Gao University of Sydney, Australia
  • Fujiao Ju Beijing University of Technology
  • Baocai Yin Beijing University of Technology



DMKM: Graph Mining, Social Network Analysis & Community


Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown great performance in learning representations for graph-structured data. However, recent studies have found that the interference between topology and attribute can lead to distorted node representations. Most GNNs are designed based on homophily assumptions, thus they cannot be applied to graphs with heterophily. This research critically analyzes the propagation principles of various GNNs and the corresponding challenges from an optimization perspective. A novel GNN called Graph Neural Networks with Soft Association between Topology and Attribute (GNN-SATA) is proposed. Different embeddings are utilized to gain insights into attributes and structures while establishing their interconnections through soft association. Further as integral components of the soft association, a Graph Pruning Module (GPM) and Graph Augmentation Module (GAM) are developed. These modules dynamically remove or add edges to the adjacency relationships to make the model better fit with graphs with homophily or heterophily. Experimental results on homophilic and heterophilic graph datasets convincingly demonstrate that the proposed GNN-SATA effectively captures more accurate adjacency relationships and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches. Especially on the heterophilic graph dataset Squirrel, GNN-SATA achieves a 2.81% improvement in accuracy, utilizing merely 27.19% of the original number of adjacency relationships. Our code is released at



How to Cite

Yang, Y., Sun, Y., Wang, S., Guo, J., Gao, J., Ju, F., & Yin, B. . (2024). Graph Neural Networks with Soft Association between Topology and Attribute. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(8), 9260-9268.



AAAI Technical Track on Data Mining & Knowledge Management