Motif-Aware Riemannian Graph Neural Network with Generative-Contrastive Learning


  • Li Sun North China Electric Power University
  • Zhenhao Huang North China Electric Power University
  • Zixi Wang North China Electric Power University
  • Feiyang Wang Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  • Hao Peng Beihang University
  • Philip S. Yu UIC



DMKM: Graph Mining, Social Network Analysis & Community, ML: Graph-based Machine Learning


Graphs are typical non-Euclidean data of complex structures. In recent years, Riemannian graph representation learning has emerged as an exciting alternative to Euclidean ones. However, Riemannian methods are still in an early stage: most of them present a single curvature (radius) regardless of structural complexity, suffer from numerical instability due to the exponential/logarithmic map, and lack the ability to capture motif regularity. In light of the issues above, we propose the problem of Motif-aware Riemannian Graph Representation Learning, seeking a numerically stable encoder to capture motif regularity in a diverse-curvature manifold without labels. To this end, we present a novel Motif-aware Riemannian model with Generative-Contrastive learning (MotifRGC), which conducts a minmax game in Riemannian manifold in a self-supervised manner. First, we propose a new type of Riemannian GCN (D-GCN), in which we construct a diverse-curvature manifold by a product layer with the diversified factor, and replace the exponential/logarithmic map by a stable kernel layer. Second, we introduce a motif-aware Riemannian generative-contrastive learning to capture motif regularity in the constructed manifold and learn motif-aware node representation without external labels. Empirical results show the superiority of MofitRGC.



How to Cite

Sun, L., Huang, Z., Wang, Z., Wang, F., Peng, H., & Yu, P. S. (2024). Motif-Aware Riemannian Graph Neural Network with Generative-Contrastive Learning. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(8), 9044-9052.



AAAI Technical Track on Data Mining & Knowledge Management