Large Occluded Human Image Completion via Image-Prior Cooperating


  • Hengrun Zhao Dalian University of Technology
  • Yu Zeng Johns Hopkins University
  • Huchuan Lu Dalian University of Technology
  • Lijun Wang Dalian University of Technology



CV: Computational Photography, Image & Video Synthesis, CV: Biometrics, Face, Gesture & Pose


The completion of large occluded human body images poses a unique challenge for general image completion methods. The complex shape variations of human bodies make it difficult to establish a consistent understanding of their structures. Furthermore, as human vision is highly sensitive to human bodies, even slight artifacts can significantly compromise image fidelity. To address these challenges, we propose a large occluded human image completion (LOHC) model based on a novel image-prior cooperative completion strategy. Our model leverages human segmentation maps as a prior, and completes the image and prior simultaneously. Compared to the widely adopted prior-then-image completion strategy for object completion, this cooperative completion process fosters more effective interaction between the prior and image information. Our model consists of two stages. The first stage is a transformer-based auto-regressive network that predicts the overall structure of the missing area by generating a coarse completed image at a lower resolution. The second stage is a convolutional network that refines the coarse images. As the coarse result may not always be accurate, we propose a Dynamic Fusion Module (DFM) to selectively fuses the useful features from the coarse image with the original input at spatial and channel levels. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate our method’s superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.



How to Cite

Zhao, H., Zeng, Y., Lu, H., & Wang, L. (2024). Large Occluded Human Image Completion via Image-Prior Cooperating. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(7), 7469-7477.



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision VI