3D-STMN: Dependency-Driven Superpoint-Text Matching Network for End-to-End 3D Referring Expression Segmentation


  • Changli Wu Xiamen University
  • Yiwei Ma Xiamen University
  • Qi Chen Xiamen University
  • Haowei Wang Xiamen University
  • Gen Luo Xiamen University
  • Jiayi Ji Xiamen University
  • Xiaoshuai Sun Xiamen University




CV: Multi-modal Vision, CV: 3D Computer Vision


In 3D Referring Expression Segmentation (3D-RES), the earlier approach adopts a two-stage paradigm, extracting segmentation proposals and then matching them with referring expressions. However, this conventional paradigm encounters significant challenges, most notably in terms of the generation of lackluster initial proposals and a pronounced deceleration in inference speed. Recognizing these limitations, we introduce an innovative end-to-end Superpoint-Text Matching Network (3D-STMN) that is enriched by dependency-driven insights. One of the keystones of our model is the Superpoint-Text Matching (STM) mechanism. Unlike traditional methods that navigate through instance proposals, STM directly correlates linguistic indications with their respective superpoints, clusters of semantically related points. This architectural decision empowers our model to efficiently harness cross-modal semantic relationships, primarily leveraging densely annotated superpoint-text pairs, as opposed to the more sparse instance-text pairs. In pursuit of enhancing the role of text in guiding the segmentation process, we further incorporate the Dependency-Driven Interaction (DDI) module to deepen the network's semantic comprehension of referring expressions. Using the dependency trees as a beacon, this module discerns the intricate relationships between primary terms and their associated descriptors in expressions, thereby elevating both the localization and segmentation capacities. Comprehensive experiments on the ScanRefer benchmark reveal that our model not only sets new performance standards, registering an mIoU gain of 11.7 points but also achieves a staggering enhancement in inference speed, surpassing traditional methods by 95.7 times. The code and models are available at https://github.com/sosppxo/3D-STMN.



How to Cite

Wu, C., Ma, Y., Chen, Q., Wang, H., Luo, G., Ji, J., & Sun, X. (2024). 3D-STMN: Dependency-Driven Superpoint-Text Matching Network for End-to-End 3D Referring Expression Segmentation. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(6), 5940-5948. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v38i6.28408



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision V