SCP: Spherical-Coordinate-Based Learned Point Cloud Compression


  • Ao Luo KDDI Research, Inc. Waseda University
  • Linxin Song Waseda University
  • Keisuke Nonaka KDDI Research, Inc.
  • Kyohei Unno KDDI Research, Inc.
  • Heming Sun Yokohama National University
  • Masayuki Goto Waseda University
  • Jiro Katto Waseda University



CV: 3D Computer Vision, CV: Applications, CV: Bias, Fairness & Privacy, CV: Other Foundations of Computer Vision


In recent years, the task of learned point cloud compression has gained prominence. An important type of point cloud, LiDAR point cloud, is generated by spinning LiDAR on vehicles. This process results in numerous circular shapes and azimuthal angle invariance features within the point clouds. However, these two features have been largely overlooked by previous methodologies. In this paper, we introduce a model-agnostic method called Spherical-Coordinate-based learned Point cloud compression (SCP), designed to fully leverage the features of circular shapes and azimuthal angle invariance. Additionally, we propose a multi-level Octree for SCP to mitigate the reconstruction error for distant areas within the Spherical-coordinate-based Octree. SCP exhibits excellent universality, making it applicable to various learned point cloud compression techniques. Experimental results demonstrate that SCP surpasses previous state-of-the-art methods by up to 29.14% in point-to-point PSNR BD-Rate.



How to Cite

Luo, A., Song, L., Nonaka, K., Unno, K., Sun, H., Goto, M., & Katto, J. (2024). SCP: Spherical-Coordinate-Based Learned Point Cloud Compression. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(4), 3954-3962.



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision III