Differentiable Auxiliary Learning for Sketch Re-Identification


  • Xingyu Liu Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
  • Xu Cheng Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
  • Haoyu Chen University of Oulu
  • Hao Yu Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
  • Guoying Zhao University of Oulu




CV: Image and Video Retrieval, CV: Biometrics, Face, Gesture & Pose


Sketch re-identification (Re-ID) seeks to match pedestrians' photos from surveillance videos with corresponding sketches. However, we observe that existing works still have two critical limitations: (i) cross- and intra-modality discrepancies hinder the extraction of modality-shared features, (ii) standard triplet loss fails to constrain latent feature distribution in each modality with inadequate samples. To overcome the above issues, we propose a differentiable auxiliary learning network (DALNet) to explore a robust auxiliary modality for Sketch Re-ID. Specifically, for (i) we construct an auxiliary modality by using a dynamic auxiliary generator (DAG) to bridge the gap between sketch and photo modalities. The auxiliary modality highlights the described person in photos to mitigate background clutter and learns sketch style through style refinement. Moreover, a modality interactive attention module (MIA) is presented to align the features and learn the invariant patterns of two modalities by auxiliary modality. To address (ii), we propose a multi-modality collaborative learning scheme (MMCL) to align the latent distribution of three modalities. An intra-modality circle loss in MMCL brings learned global and modality-shared features of the same identity closer in the case of insufficient samples within each modality. Extensive experiments verify the superior performance of our DALNet over the state-of-the-art methods for Sketch Re-ID, and the generalization in sketch-based image retrieval and sketch-photo face recognition tasks.



How to Cite

Liu, X., Cheng, X., Chen, H., Yu, H., & Zhao, G. (2024). Differentiable Auxiliary Learning for Sketch Re-Identification. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(4), 3747-3755. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v38i4.28165



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision III