MFTN: Multi-Level Feature Transfer Network Based on MRI-Transformer for MR Image Super-resolution


  • Shuying Huang Tiangong University
  • Ge Chen Tiangong University
  • Yong Yang Tiangong University
  • Xiaozheng Wang Tiangong University
  • Chenbin Liang Tiangong University



CV: Multi-modal Vision, APP: Other Applications


Due to the unique environment and inherent properties of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) instruments, MR images typically have lower resolution. Therefore, improving the resolution of MR images is beneficial for assisting doctors in diagnosing the condition. Currently, the existing MR image super-resolution (SR) methods still have the problem of insufficient detail reconstruction. To overcome this issue, this paper proposes a multi-level feature transfer network (MFTN) based on MRI-Transformer to realize SR of low-resolution MRI data. MFTN consists of a multi-scale feature reconstruction network (MFRN) and a multi-level feature extraction branch (MFEB). MFRN is constructed as a pyramid structure to gradually reconstruct image features at different scales by integrating the features obtained from MFEB, and MFEB is constructed to provide detail information at different scales for low resolution MR image SR reconstruction by constructing multiple MRI-Transformer modules. Each MRI-Transformer module is designed to learn the transfer features from the reference image by establishing feature correlations between the reference image and low-resolution MR image. In addition, a contrast learning constraint item is added to the loss function to enhance the texture details of the SR image. A large number of experiments show that our network can effectively reconstruct high-quality MR Images and achieves better performance compared to some state-of-the-art methods. The source code of this work will be released on GitHub.




How to Cite

Huang, S., Chen, G., Yang, Y., Wang, X., & Liang, C. (2024). MFTN: Multi-Level Feature Transfer Network Based on MRI-Transformer for MR Image Super-resolution. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(3), 2366-2373.



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision II