Variance-Insensitive and Target-Preserving Mask Refinement for Interactive Image Segmentation


  • Chaowei Fang Xidian University
  • Ziyin Zhou Xidian University
  • Junye Chen Sun Yat-sen University
  • Hanjing Su Tencent
  • Qingyao Wu South China University of Technology
  • Guanbin Li Sun Yat-sen University GuangDong Province Key Laboratory of Information Security Technology



CV: Segmentation, CV: Learning & Optimization for CV, HAI: Human-Computer Interaction


Point-based interactive image segmentation can ease the burden of mask annotation in applications such as semantic segmentation and image editing. However, fully extracting the target mask with limited user inputs remains challenging. We introduce a novel method, Variance-Insensitive and Target-Preserving Mask Refinement to enhance segmentation quality with fewer user inputs. Regarding the last segmentation result as the initial mask, an iterative refinement process is commonly employed to continually enhance the initial mask. Nevertheless, conventional techniques suffer from sensitivity to the variance in the initial mask. To circumvent this problem, our proposed method incorporates a mask matching algorithm for ensuring consistent inferences from different types of initial masks. We also introduce a target-aware zooming algorithm to preserve object information during downsampling, balancing efficiency and accuracy. Experiments on GrabCut, Berkeley, SBD, and DAVIS datasets demonstrate our method's state-of-the-art performance in interactive image segmentation.



How to Cite

Fang, C., Zhou, Z., Chen, J., Su, H., Wu, Q., & Li, G. (2024). Variance-Insensitive and Target-Preserving Mask Refinement for Interactive Image Segmentation. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(2), 1698-1706.



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision I