Sketch and Refine: Towards Fast and Accurate Lane Detection


  • Chao Chen Nanjing University
  • Jie Liu Nanjing University
  • Chang Zhou Nanjing University
  • Jie Tang Nanjing University
  • Gangshan Wu Nanjing University



CV: Vision for Robotics & Autonomous Driving, CV: Object Detection & Categorization


Lane detection is to determine the precise location and shape of lanes on the road. Despite efforts made by current methods, it remains a challenging task due to the complexity of real-world scenarios. Existing approaches, whether proposal-based or keypoint-based, suffer from depicting lanes effectively and efficiently. Proposal-based methods detect lanes by distinguishing and regressing a collection of proposals in a streamlined top-down way, yet lack sufficient flexibility in lane representation. Keypoint-based methods, on the other hand, construct lanes flexibly from local descriptors, which typically entail complicated post-processing. In this paper, we present a “Sketch-and-Refine” paradigm that utilizes the merits of both keypoint-based and proposal-based methods. The motivation is that local directions of lanes are semantically simple and clear. At the “Sketch” stage, local directions of keypoints can be easily estimated by fast convolutional layers. Then we can build a set of lane proposals accordingly with moderate accuracy. At the “Refine” stage, we further optimize these proposals via a novel Lane Segment Association Module (LSAM), which allows adaptive lane segment adjustment. Last but not least, we propose multi-level feature integration to enrich lane feature representations more efficiently. Based on the proposed “Sketch-and-Refine” paradigm, we propose a fast yet effective lane detector dubbed “SRLane”. Experiments show that our SRLane can run at a fast speed (i.e., 278 FPS) while yielding an F1 score of 78.9%. The source code is available at:



How to Cite

Chen, C., Liu, J., Zhou, C., Tang, J., & Wu, G. (2024). Sketch and Refine: Towards Fast and Accurate Lane Detection. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(2), 1001-1009.



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision I