Efficient Algorithms for Regret Minimization in Billboard Advertisement (Student Abstract)


  • Dildar Ali Indian Institute of Technology Jammu
  • Ankit Kumar Bhagat University of Delhi
  • Suman Banerjee IIT Jammu
  • Yamuna Prasad IIT Jammu




Billboard Advertisement, Regret, Influence Provider


Now-a-days, billboard advertisement has emerged as an effective outdoor advertisement technique. In this case, a commercial house approaches an influence provider for a specific number of views of their advertisement content on a payment basis. If the influence provider can satisfy this then they will receive the full payment else a partial payment. If the influence provider provides more or less than the demand then certainly this is a loss to them. This is formalized as ‘Regret’ and the goal of the influence provider will be to minimize the ‘Regret’. In this paper, we propose simple and efficient solution methodologies to solve this problem. Efficiency and effectiveness have been demonstrated by experimentation.




How to Cite

Ali, D., Bhagat, A. K., Banerjee, S., & Prasad, Y. (2024). Efficient Algorithms for Regret Minimization in Billboard Advertisement (Student Abstract). Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(13), 16148-16149. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i13.26934