Poisoning-Based Backdoor Attacks in Computer Vision


  • Yiming Li Tsinghua University




Backdoor Attack, Backdoor Learning, Data Poisoning, Trustworthy ML, AI Security


Recent studies demonstrated that the training process of deep neural networks (DNNs) is vulnerable to backdoor attacks if third-party training resources (e.g., samples) are adopted. Specifically, the adversaries intend to embed hidden backdoors into DNNs, where the backdoor can be activated by pre-defined trigger patterns and leading malicious model predictions. My dissertation focuses on poisoning-based backdoor attacks in computer vision. Firstly, I study and propose more stealthy and effective attacks against image classification tasks in both physical and digital spaces. Secondly, I reveal the backdoor threats in visual object tracking, which is representative of critical video-related tasks. Thirdly, I explore how to exploit backdoor attacks as watermark techniques for positive purposes. I design a Python toolbox (i.e., BackdoorBox) that implements representative and advanced backdoor attacks and defenses under a unified and flexible framework, based on which to provide a comprehensive benchmark of existing methods at the end.




How to Cite

Li, Y. (2024). Poisoning-Based Backdoor Attacks in Computer Vision. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(13), 16121-16122. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i13.26921