A Proof That Using Crossover Can Guarantee Exponential Speed-Ups in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation


  • Duc-Cuong Dang University of Passau
  • Andre Opris University of Passau
  • Bahare Salehi University of Passau Shiraz University
  • Dirk Sudholt University of Passau




SO: Evolutionary Computation, SO: Evaluation and Analysis


Evolutionary algorithms are popular algorithms for multiobjective optimisation (also called Pareto optimisation) as they use a population to store trade-offs between different objectives. Despite their popularity, the theoretical foundation of multiobjective evolutionary optimisation (EMO) is still in its early development. Fundamental questions such as the benefits of the crossover operator are still not fully understood. We provide a theoretical analysis of well-known EMO algorithms GSEMO and NSGA-II to showcase the possible advantages of crossover. We propose a class of problems on which these EMO algorithms using crossover find the Pareto set in expected polynomial time. In sharp contrast, they and many other EMO algorithms without crossover require exponential time to even find a single Pareto-optimal point. This is the first example of an exponential performance gap through the use of crossover for the widely used NSGA-II algorithm.




How to Cite

Dang, D.-C., Opris, A., Salehi, B., & Sudholt, D. (2023). A Proof That Using Crossover Can Guarantee Exponential Speed-Ups in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(10), 12390-12398. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i10.26460



AAAI Technical Track on Search and Optimization