Federated Generative Model on Multi-Source Heterogeneous Data in IoT


  • Zuobin Xiong Georgia State University
  • Wei Li Georgia State University
  • Zhipeng Cai Georgia State University




ML: Deep Generative Models & Autoencoders, ML: Adversarial Learning & Robustness, ML: Distributed Machine Learning & Federated Learning


The study of generative models is a promising branch of deep learning techniques, which has been successfully applied to different scenarios, such as Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things. While in most of the existing works, the generative models are realized as a centralized structure, raising the threats of security and privacy and the overburden of communication costs. Rare efforts have been committed to investigating distributed generative models, especially when the training data comes from multiple heterogeneous sources under realistic IoT settings. In this paper, to handle this challenging problem, we design a federated generative model framework that can learn a powerful generator for the hierarchical IoT systems. Particularly, our generative model framework can solve the problem of distributed data generation on multi-source heterogeneous data in two scenarios, i.e., feature related scenario and label related scenario. In addition, in our federated generative models, we develop a synchronous and an asynchronous updating methods to satisfy different application requirements. Extensive experiments on a simulated dataset and multiple real datasets are conducted to evaluate the data generation performance of our proposed generative models through comparison with the state-of-the-arts.




How to Cite

Xiong, Z., Li, W., & Cai, Z. (2023). Federated Generative Model on Multi-Source Heterogeneous Data in IoT. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(9), 10537-10545. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i9.26252



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning IV