WLD-Reg: A Data-Dependent Within-Layer Diversity Regularizer


  • Firas Laakom Tampere University
  • Jenni Raitoharju University of Jyväskylä
  • Alexandros Iosifidis Aarhus University
  • Moncef Gabbouj Tampere University




ML: Deep Neural Network Algorithms, ML: Classification and Regression, CV: Learning & Optimization for CV, ML: Optimization


Neural networks are composed of multiple layers arranged in a hierarchical structure jointly trained with a gradient-based optimization, where the errors are back-propagated from the last layer back to the first one. At each optimization step, neurons at a given layer receive feedback from neurons belonging to higher layers of the hierarchy. In this paper, we propose to complement this traditional 'between-layer' feedback with additional 'within-layer' feedback to encourage the diversity of the activations within the same layer. To this end, we measure the pairwise similarity between the outputs of the neurons and use it to model the layer's overall diversity. We present an extensive empirical study confirming that the proposed approach enhances the performance of several state-of-the-art neural network models in multiple tasks. The code is publically available at https://github.com/firasl/AAAI-23-WLD-Reg.




How to Cite

Laakom, F., Raitoharju, J., Iosifidis, A., & Gabbouj, M. (2023). WLD-Reg: A Data-Dependent Within-Layer Diversity Regularizer. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(7), 8421-8429. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i7.26015



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning II