Enabling Knowledge Refinement upon New Concepts in Abductive Learning


  • Yu-Xuan Huang Nanjing University
  • Wang-Zhou Dai Nanjing University
  • Yuan Jiang Nanjing University
  • Zhi-Hua Zhou Nanjing University




ML: Classification and Regression, KRR: Diagnosis and Abductive Reasoning, KRR: Logic Programming


Recently there are great efforts on leveraging machine learning and logical reasoning. Many approaches start from a given knowledge base, and then try to utilize the knowledge to help machine learning. In real practice, however, the given knowledge base can often be incomplete or even noisy, and thus, it is crucial to develop the ability of knowledge refinement or enhancement. This paper proposes to enable the Abductive learning (ABL) paradigm to have the ability of knowledge refinement/enhancement. In particular, we focus on the problem that, in contrast to closed-environment tasks where a fixed set of symbols are enough to represent the concepts in the domain, in open-environment tasks new concepts may emerge. Ignoring those new concepts can lead to significant performance decay, whereas it is challenging to identify new concepts and add them to the existing knowledge base with potential conflicts resolved. We propose the ABL_nc approach which exploits machine learning in ABL to identify new concepts from data, exploits knowledge graph to match them with entities, and refines existing knowledge base to resolve conflicts. The refined/enhanced knowledge base can then be used in the next loop of ABL and help improve the performance of machine learning. Experiments on three neuro-symbolic learning tasks verified the effectiveness of the proposed approach.




How to Cite

Huang, Y.-X., Dai, W.-Z., Jiang, Y., & Zhou, Z.-H. (2023). Enabling Knowledge Refinement upon New Concepts in Abductive Learning. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(7), 7928-7935. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i7.25959



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning II