Learning Fractals by Gradient Descent
CV: Learning & Optimization for CV, CV: Applications, CV: Other Foundations of Computer Vision, ML: Deep Neural ArchitecturesAbstract
Fractals are geometric shapes that can display complex and self-similar patterns found in nature (e.g., clouds and plants). Recent works in visual recognition have leveraged this property to create random fractal images for model pre-training. In this paper, we study the inverse problem --- given a target image (not necessarily a fractal), we aim to generate a fractal image that looks like it. We propose a novel approach that learns the parameters underlying a fractal image via gradient descent. We show that our approach can find fractal parameters of high visual quality and be compatible with different loss functions, opening up several potentials, e.g., learning fractals for downstream tasks, scientific understanding, etc.Downloads
How to Cite
Tu, C.-H., Chen, H.-Y., Carlyn, D., & Chao, W.-L. (2023). Learning Fractals by Gradient Descent. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(2), 2456-2464. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i2.25342
AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision II