Diversified and Realistic 3D Augmentation via Iterative Construction, Random Placement, and HPR Occlusion


  • Jungwook Shin Seoul National University
  • Jaeill Kim Seoul National University
  • Kyungeun Lee Seoul National University
  • Hyunghun Cho Seoul National University
  • Wonjong Rhee Seoul National University




CV: Vision for Robotics & Autonomous Driving, CV: 3D Computer Vision, CV: Object Detection & Categorization


In autonomous driving, data augmentation is commonly used for improving 3D object detection. The most basic methods include insertion of copied objects and rotation and scaling of the entire training frame. Numerous variants have been developed as well. The existing methods, however, are considerably limited when compared to the variety of the real world possibilities. In this work, we develop a diversified and realistic augmentation method that can flexibly construct a whole-body object, freely locate and rotate the object, and apply self-occlusion and external-occlusion accordingly. To improve the diversity of the whole-body object construction, we develop an iterative method that stochastically combines multiple objects observed from the real world into a single object. Unlike the existing augmentation methods, the constructed objects can be randomly located and rotated in the training frame because proper occlusions can be reflected to the whole-body objects in the final step. Finally, proper self-occlusion at each local object level and external-occlusion at the global frame level are applied using the Hidden Point Removal (HPR) algorithm that is computationally efficient. HPR is also used for adaptively controlling the point density of each object according to the object's distance from the LiDAR. Experiment results show that the proposed DR.CPO algorithm is data-efficient and model-agnostic without incurring any computational overhead. Also, DR.CPO can improve mAP performance by 2.08% when compared to the best 3D detection result known for KITTI dataset.




How to Cite

Shin, J., Kim, J., Lee, K., Cho, H., & Rhee, W. (2023). Diversified and Realistic 3D Augmentation via Iterative Construction, Random Placement, and HPR Occlusion. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(2), 2282-2291. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i2.25323



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision II