Learning Polysemantic Spoof Trace: A Multi-Modal Disentanglement Network for Face Anti-spoofing


  • Kaicheng Li Beihang University, China
  • Hongyu Yang Beihang University, China
  • Binghui Chen No affiliation
  • Pengyu Li No affiliation
  • Biao Wang No affiliation
  • Di Huang Beihang University, China




CV: Biometrics, Face, Gesture & Pose, CV: Multi-modal Vision


Along with the widespread use of face recognition systems, their vulnerability has become highlighted. While existing face anti-spoofing methods can be generalized between attack types, generic solutions are still challenging due to the diversity of spoof characteristics. Recently, the spoof trace disentanglement framework has shown great potential for coping with both seen and unseen spoof scenarios, but the performance is largely restricted by the single-modal input. This paper focuses on this issue and presents a multi-modal disentanglement model which targetedly learns polysemantic spoof traces for more accurate and robust generic attack detection. In particular, based on the adversarial learning mechanism, a two-stream disentangling network is designed to estimate spoof patterns from the RGB and depth inputs, respectively. In this case, it captures complementary spoofing clues inhering in different attacks. Furthermore, a fusion module is exploited, which recalibrates both representations at multiple stages to promote the disentanglement in each individual modality. It then performs cross-modality aggregation to deliver a more comprehensive spoof trace representation for prediction. Extensive evaluations are conducted on multiple benchmarks, demonstrating that learning polysemantic spoof traces favorably contributes to anti-spoofing with more perceptible and interpretable results.




How to Cite

Li, K., Yang, H., Chen, B., Li, P., Wang, B., & Huang, D. (2023). Learning Polysemantic Spoof Trace: A Multi-Modal Disentanglement Network for Face Anti-spoofing. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(1), 1351-1359. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i1.25219



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision I