Multispectral Invisible Coating: Laminated Visible-Thermal Physical Attack against Multispectral Object Detectors Using Transparent Low-E Films


  • Taeheon Kim KAIST
  • Youngjoon Yu KAIST
  • Yong Man Ro KAIST



CV: Adversarial Attacks & Robustness, CV: Applications, CV: Multi-modal Vision, CV: Object Detection & Categorization


Multispectral object detection plays a vital role in safety-critical vision systems that require an around-the-clock operation and encounter dynamic real-world situations(e.g., self-driving cars and autonomous surveillance systems). Despite its crucial competence in safety-related applications, its security against physical attacks is severely understudied. We investigate the vulnerability of multispectral detectors against physical attacks by proposing a new physical method: Multispectral Invisible Coating. Utilizing transparent Low-e films, we realize a laminated visible-thermal physical attack by attaching Low-e films over a visible attack printing. Moreover, we apply our physical method to manufacture a Multispectral Invisible Suit that hides persons from the multiple view angles of Multispectral detectors. To simulate our attack under various surveillance scenes, we constructed a large-scale multispectral pedestrian dataset which we will release in public. Extensive experiments show that our proposed method effectively attacks the state-of-the-art multispectral detector both in the digital space and the physical world.




How to Cite

Kim, T., Yu, Y., & Ro, Y. M. (2023). Multispectral Invisible Coating: Laminated Visible-Thermal Physical Attack against Multispectral Object Detectors Using Transparent Low-E Films. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(1), 1151-1159.



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision I