Tagging before Alignment: Integrating Multi-Modal Tags for Video-Text Retrieval


  • Yizhen Chen IPS Search, Tencent PCG
  • Jie Wang IPS Search, Tencent PCG
  • Lijian Lin ARC Lab, Tencent PCG
  • Zhongang Qi ARC Lab, Tencent PCG
  • Jin Ma IPS Search, Tencent PCG
  • Ying Shan ARC Lab, Tencent PCG




CV: Image and Video Retrieval, CV: Language and Vision, CV: Multi-modal Vision, CV: Representation Learning for Vision, CV: Video Understanding & Activity Analysis


Vision-language alignment learning for video-text retrieval arouses a lot of attention in recent years. Most of the existing methods either transfer the knowledge of image-text pretraining model to video-text retrieval task without fully exploring the multi-modal information of videos, or simply fuse multi-modal features in a brute force manner without explicit guidance. In this paper, we integrate multi-modal information in an explicit manner by tagging, and use the tags as the anchors for better video-text alignment. Various pretrained experts are utilized for extracting the information of multiple modalities, including object, person, motion, audio, etc. To take full advantage of these information, we propose the TABLE (TAgging Before aLignmEnt) network, which consists of a visual encoder, a tag encoder, a text encoder, and a tag-guiding cross-modal encoder for jointly encoding multi-frame visual features and multi-modal tags information. Furthermore, to strengthen the interaction between video and text, we build a joint cross-modal encoder with the triplet input of [vision, tag, text] and perform two additional supervised tasks, Video Text Matching (VTM) and Masked Language Modeling (MLM). Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the TABLE model is capable of achieving State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) performance on various video-text retrieval benchmarks, including MSR-VTT, MSVD, LSMDC and DiDeMo.




How to Cite

Chen, Y., Wang, J., Lin, L., Qi, Z., Ma, J., & Shan, Y. (2023). Tagging before Alignment: Integrating Multi-Modal Tags for Video-Text Retrieval. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(1), 396-404. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i1.25113



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision I