Mitigating Reporting Bias in Semi-supervised Temporal Commonsense Inference with Probabilistic Soft Logic


  • Bibo Cai Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Xiao Ding Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Bowen Chen Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Li Du Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Ting Liu Harbin Institute of Technology



Speech & Natural Language Processing (SNLP)


Acquiring high-quality temporal common sense (TCS) knowledge from free-form text is a crucial but challenging problem for event-centric natural language understanding, due to the language reporting bias problem: people rarely report the commonly observed events but highlight the special cases. For example, one may rarely report "I get up from bed in 1 minute", but we can observe "It takes me an hour to get up from bed every morning'' in text. Models directly trained upon such corpus would capture distorted TCS knowledge, which could influence the model performance. Prior work addresses this issue mainly by exploiting the interactions among temporal dimensions (e.g., duration, temporal relation between events) in a multi-task view. However, this line of work suffers the limitation of implicit, inadequate and unexplainable interactions modeling. In this paper, we propose a novel neural-logic based Soft Logic Enhanced Event Temporal Reasoning (SLEER) model for acquiring unbiased TCS knowledge, in which the complementary relationship among dimensions are explicitly represented as logic rules and modeled by t-norm fuzzy logics. SLEER can utilize logic rules to regularize its inference process. Experimental results on four intrinsic evaluation datasets and two extrinsic datasets show the efficiency of our proposed method.




How to Cite

Cai, B., Ding, X., Chen, B., Du, L., & Liu, T. (2022). Mitigating Reporting Bias in Semi-supervised Temporal Commonsense Inference with Probabilistic Soft Logic. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36(10), 10454-10462.



AAAI Technical Track on Speech and Natural Language Processing