SPATE-GAN: Improved Generative Modeling of Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Patterns with an Autoregressive Embedding Loss


  • Konstantin Klemmer University of Warwick New York University
  • Tianlin Xu London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Beatrice Acciaio ETH Zurich
  • Daniel B. Neill New York University



Domain(s) Of Application (APP), Knowledge Representation And Reasoning (KRR), Computer Vision (CV)


From ecology to atmospheric sciences, many academic disciplines deal with data characterized by intricate spatio-temporal complexities, the modeling of which often requires specialized approaches. Generative models of these data are of particular interest, as they enable a range of impactful downstream applications like simulation or creating synthetic training data. Recently, COT-GAN, a new GAN algorithm inspired by the theory of causal optimal transport (COT), was proposed in an attempt to improve generation of sequential data. However, the task of learning complex patterns over time and space requires additional knowledge of the specific data structures. In this study, we propose a novel loss objective combined with COT-GAN based on an autoregressive embedding to reinforce the learning of spatio-temporal dynamics. We devise SPATE (spatio-temporal association), a new metric measuring spatio-temporal autocorrelation. We compute SPATE for real and synthetic data samples and use it to compute an embedding loss that considers space-time interactions, nudging the GAN to learn outputs that are faithful to the observed dynamics. We test our new SPATE-GAN on a diverse set of spatio-temporal patterns: turbulent flows, log-Gaussian Cox processes and global weather data. We show that our novel embedding loss improves performance without any changes to the architecture of the GAN backbone, highlighting our model's increased capacity for capturing autoregressive structures.




How to Cite

Klemmer, K., Xu, T., Acciaio, B., & Neill, D. B. (2022). SPATE-GAN: Improved Generative Modeling of Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Patterns with an Autoregressive Embedding Loss. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36(4), 4523-4531.



AAAI Technical Track on Domain(s) Of Application