Patch Diffusion: A General Module for Face Manipulation Detection
Computer Vision (CV)Abstract
Detection of manipulated face images has attracted a lot of interest recently. Various schemes have been proposed to tackle this challenging problem, where the patch-based approaches are shown to be promising. However, the existing patch-based approaches tend to treat different patches equally, which do not fully exploit the patch discrepancy for effective feature learning. In this paper, we propose a Patch Diffusion (PD) module which can be integrated into the existing face manipulation detection networks to boost the performance. The PD consists of Discrepancy Patch Feature Learning (DPFL) and Attention-Aware Message Passing (AMP). The DPFL effectively learns the patch features by a newly designed Pairwise Patch Loss (PPLoss), which takes both the patch importance and correlations into consideration. The AMP diffuses the patches through attention-aware message passing in a graph network, where the attentions are explicitly computed based on the patch features learnt in DPFL. We integrate our PD module into four recent face manipulation detection networks, and carry out the experiments on four popular datasets. The results demonstrate that our PD module is able to boost the performance of the existing networks for face manipulation detection.Downloads
How to Cite
Zhang, B., Li, S., Feng, G., Qian, Z., & Zhang, X. (2022). Patch Diffusion: A General Module for Face Manipulation Detection. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36(3), 3243-3251.
AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision III