UbuntuWorld 1.0 LTS — A Platform for Automated Problem Solving and Troubleshooting in the Ubuntu OS


  • Tathagata Chakraborti Arizona State University
  • Kartik Talamadupula IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
  • Kshitij P. Fadnis IBM T. J. Watson Research Center,
  • Murray Campbell IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
  • Subbarao Kambhampati Arizona State University




In this paper we present UbuntuWorld 1.0 LTS — a platform for developing automated technical support agents in the Ubuntu operating system. Specifically, we propose to use the Bash terminal as a simulator of the Ubuntu environment for a learning-based agent, and demonstrate the usefulness of adopting reinforcement learning (RL) techniques for basic problem solving and troubleshooting in this environment. We provide a plug-and-play interface to the simulator as a python package where different types of agents can be plugged in and evaluated, and provide pathways for integrating data from online support forums like Ask Ubuntu into an automated agent’s learning process. Finally, we show that the use of this data significantly improves the agent’s learning efficiency. We believe that this platform can be adopted as a real-world test bed for research on automated technical support.




How to Cite

Chakraborti, T., Talamadupula, K., Fadnis, K., Campbell, M., & Kambhampati, S. (2017). UbuntuWorld 1.0 LTS — A Platform for Automated Problem Solving and Troubleshooting in the Ubuntu OS. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 31(2), 4657-4663. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v31i2.19091