Position Assignment on an Enterprise Level Using Combinatorial Optimization


  • Leonard Kinnaird-Heether Ford Motor Company
  • Chris Dorman Ford Motor Company




We developed a tool to solve a problem of position assignment within the IT Ford College Graduate program. This position assignment tool was first developed in 2012 and has been used successfully since then. The tool has since evolved for use with several other position assignment and related tasks with other similar programs in Ford Motor Company. This paper will describe the creation of this tool and how we have applied it, focusing on the need for developing such a tool, and how the continued development of this tool will benefit its users and the company.




How to Cite

Leonard Kinnaird-Heether, L. K.-H., & Dorman, C. (2015). Position Assignment on an Enterprise Level Using Combinatorial Optimization. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29(2), 3904-3911. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v29i2.19046